Aim of
The InnoESG Prize Series

The InnoESG Prize Series provide an incentive for leading companies to promote themselves to potential investors and customers by showcasing their proven track records of Philanthropy and Sustainability.


  • To recognise the businesses that are transforming the world through sustainable impact actions
  • To encourage those enterprises that have innovatively reformed their core business to adapt to or incorporate ESG aspects
  • To recognise high community engagement for the philanthropy


  • Tap into (potential) customers – winning an award opens numerous doors and gives a business instant credibility with potential customers, especially with Future-Gen customers.
  • Tap into (potential) investors – engaging various stakeholder groups – investors, business, government and civil society – to collaborate on multiple projects and initiatives at the prize presentation ceremony held during either half-year Series.
  • Tap into sustainable business – honouring outstanding business contributions to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.

About Us

The InnoESG Prize program is organized by an independent registered non-profit organization.

Our Vision
To engage everyone to co-create a sustainable future.

Our Mission
To collaborate with more organizations and people to make change happen in sustainability journey, thus enhancing sustainable development Impacts and unleashing peole-centric ESG goodwill.